The Shaman
Don Gino Chaka-Runa comes from Puno, the highlands of Peru and has extensive experience in working with Master Plants from the Peruvian Amazon and Andes.
This is the real deal: raw, ancient, powerful shamanism like no other out there. Discover why his ceremonies truly change people's lives and leave a deep, beautiful, permanent imprint in each and every one of them.

His Ancient Lineage
His grandfather was a Yatiri from the lineage of the Incas, which was the highest level for a Curandero or Healer. He solely spoke Quechua and passed away at the age of 100.
He initiated Don Gino in the Shamanic path at the young age of 15 and gave him the name of Chaka-Runa, which means The Bridge Man in Quechua. At that time he was introduced into the knowledge of Andean Cosmovision, Shamanism and the use of Sacred Medicine Plants.
Along his path following the Andean Ancient Shamanic Knowledge, he strongly felt the call of the Amazon and started doing Plant Medicine and Master Plants Dietas at the Munay Retreat Center in Pucallpa-Peru, headed by Don José Campos, by whom he was further trained.
Don Gino belongs among the Mestizo Maestros’ line. At the beginning of this lineage was Don Solon Tello, Don Guillermo Hojanama and Don José Campos (the first two already passed away). He also embraced the knowledge of the Shipibo lineage learning their practices and Icaros.
His Renowned Work
Don Gino Chaka-Runa works in the Peruvian Amazon and the Sacred Valley of the Incas, where he holds Plant Medicine and Master Plants Dietas.
Don Gino’s Shamanic work, based on ancient knowledge, includes the use of Plant Medicine, Master Plants, Mapacho, Rapé, Kambo and Sananga. He also works with powerful Shipibo, Quechua and Spanish Icaros to create a unique healing vibration during ceremonies, bridging you to the spiritual realm.
His first value and priority is safety for everybody. Only in a safe space people are able to let go, and trust the Plant Medicine, allowing them to surrender and dive deep, which is necessary for the awakening process.

His Unique Approach
Don Gino’s honest and conscious healing work is renowned and acknowledged in several countries around the world, due to its unique style, which merges the Shipibo, Mestizo and Andean Shamanic knowledge of Peru.
When holding retreats around the world he embraces different cultures and connects deeply with people. This gives him a clear understanding of what the western world brings into ceremony, allowing him to tailor the experience for each different cultural background.
Don Gino relates directly with the participants as he speaks fluent Spanish, English and Italian. This fosters deep bonds that help the participants drop their guard and surrender with trust.
His work -performed with honesty, passion, deep love and humbleness- is based on a strong desire to help everyone heal and reconnect with their true inner being, which brings outstanding high-level results.
But most importantly, he receives everyone with an open heart, and is always eager to personally solve any doubts or questions along the journey.